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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

Symptoms and Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Treatment

By bruce at 2011-01-07 05:19:01
The symptoms of gall bladder disease can be quite distressing, with the most dreaded being gallstone attacks. The gallbladder is an important organ that plays a valuable role in the digestive system. The gallbladder is situated towards the upper right side of the abdomen just beneath the liver. Bile, which is produced by the liver, is essential for digestion, particularly of fats. The gallbladder works as a storage facility for bile and it releases it whenever food is consumed to facilitate digestion.

Gallbladder surgery or gallbladder removal is therefore not always the best treatment for gallbladder disease and should only be used as a last resort. In some cases in fact it has been found that gallbladder symptoms persist even after removal of the gallbladder. An appropriate gall bladder diet can often help counter the symptoms and even facilitate healing. The gallbladder is susceptible to some common disorders, the most prevalent being gallstones, cholecystitis, and gallbladder cancer. They are often collectively referred to as gallbladder disease. Natural treatments and self care are an essential aspect of treatment which is why gall bladder home remedies and gall bladder disease diets are so sought after.

Gall Bladder Symptoms

Analyze gallbladder symptoms for gallbladder problems. Choose perfect diets for gallbladder problems with diagnosis of gallbladder attack symptoms. Cure Acute cholecystitis with proper treatment of gallstones in gallbladder. If there is any suspicion of gallbladder disease it would be wise to seek a thorough medical diagnosis. This would mean that you need to provide your health care provider with a thorough medical history and information on any symptoms of gall bladder problems that are present. There will also be a need for a physical examination and some tenderness may be observed in the upper right abdomen. Diagnostic tests also help make an accurate diagnosis and would be particularly handy when the symptoms of gall bladder disease are not so evident. Imaging tests like ultrasound scans can help identify and locate the presence of gallstones, while a hepatobiliary scan, which is a nuclear scan, can help identify any gallbladder obstruction or the presence of cholecystitis. CT scans or MRI scans of the abdomen could also help in the detection of gallbladder cancer, or also to rule out any such suspicion.

Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Disorders

Gall Bladder treatment using Beet
Fresh juice of beets, and the juices of carrot and cucumber in quantities of 100 ml each, are one of the finest cleansers of the gall-bladder. This combined juice has proved beneficial in the treatment of all disorders related to this organ, and should be taken twice daily.

Gall Bladder Disorder Treatment Using Pear
The pear is another excellent remedy for gall-bladder disorders. The fruit or its juice should he taken liberally by the patient with beneficial results. It exercises a special healing effect on all gall-bladder disorders, including gallstones.

Gall Bladder Treatment Using Chicory
The flowers, seeds, and roots of chicory or the endive plant are considered valuable in gall-bladder disorders. A decoction of about 30-60 ml of the flowers, seeds, or roots can be used three times daily with beneficial results in the treatment of these disorders. Endive or chicory juice in almost any combination promotes the secretion of bile and is, therefore, very good for both liver and gall-bladder dysfunctions. Chicory can be included for use as a tea or even consumed as a juice. Chicory powder can also be used to a great advantage in the treatment of gall bladder disease. Add around 30 mg of the powder to a glass or 100 ml of water and set it to boil. Strain the solution and drink it twice a day. Keep this up for a month and you should find some gall bladder pain relief.

Gall Bladder Treatment Using Dandelion
Dandelion has a beneficial effect on the gall bladder. About 125 ml each of the juices of dandelion and watercress should be taken twice daily. Combined with a vegetarian diet, without much sugar and starch, these juices help to make the gall¬bladder normal. Dandelion tea is in fact quite popular as an herbal remedy for a diseased gall bladder. You may also prepare an herbal concoction with a mixture of dandelion and milk thistle. Dandelion is believed to help stimulate and encourage bile production, which can be helpful for gallstones as it cause a contraction of the gall bladder causing any stones to be expelled. It also causes an increase in cheneoxycholic acid, which can be highly beneficial because of its effect of dissolving gall stones.

Gall Bladder Treatment Using Olive and Sunflower Oil
An oil cure has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners for the removal of gallstones. Raw, natural, unrefined vegetable oils of olive or sunflower are used. The procedure is to take 30 ml of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, first thing in the morning and follow it immediately with 120 ml of grapefruit juice or lemon juice. This treatment should be taken every morning for several days, even weeks, if necessary. Olive oil has been highly regarded for its health benefits since ancient times, particularly in the Mediterranean area where it has traditionally grown. Olive oil can be included in a variety of recipes and is a great substitute for other unhealthy oils.

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You could use it as a salad dressing or in cooking. Another one of the popular gall bladder home remedies with olive oil includes a mixture of the oil with honey and lemon juice. Have a spoonful or two of this mixture around twenty minutes or so before your meals. You can also use castor oil soaked in a soft cloth and place it against the abdomen as a compress, preferably with a heating pad or hot water bottle. This should help to reduce the swelling associated with a diseased gall bladder. The gallbladder and spleen are connected and so gallstones can place a strain on the spleen. It is therefore important to avoid foods like chocolate, caffeinated beverages, processed flour, and white sugar as these foods are no easy to digest.

Also read about Gall Bladder Disease
See our Health Blog and also more read on ayurvedicherbalcure.com
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